This summer, Catamount Arts, St. Johnsbury Chamber of Commerce and The Yarn Bank invited community members of all ages to craft a square that answered the question, “What have you discovered or learned while staying at home during the COVID-19 pandemic, something that brought you joy, inspired you, something you may pursue after life goes back to ‘normal’?” 16 squares were submitted and assembled into a “quilt” which is on display in the window of 142 Eastern in St. Johnsbury for the month of October. The squares express a wide range of discoveries, including learning to make masks and surgical gowns; exploring new ports while on a seafaring adventure that started before COVID locked us down; bicycling on new trails; and experimenting with new knitting and crochet patterns.
Participating creators were:
Judith Cesari, Newbury; Misty Colby, Lunenburg; Sally Crocker, St. Johnsbury; Nola Forbes, St. Johnsbury; Midi Ana Franklin, Lyndon; Wisteria Franklin, Wheelock; Indigo Griffith, Lyndon; Jess Griffiths, Bethlehem, NH; Janice Halpin, Newark; Judith Hutchinson, Kirby; Alyssa Korol, St. Johnsbury; Linda Palmer, Lyndon Center; Jo-Ann Reed, St. Johnsbury; and Cindy Robertson, St. Johnsbury.
See the quilt and all the squares HERE.
The quilt will be removed from 142 Eastern in November and the squares returned to their creators. Catamount Arts would like to thank the Discovery Quilt Committee members: Anne Campbell, Misty Colby, Sally Crocker, Tara Holt, and Loralee Tester; the Window Warriors of the St. Johnsbury Chamber of Commerce; Heather Alger and 142 Eastern; and Katrina Diller and The Sewing Studio.