This year introduces a unique addition: the LGBTQIA+ Inclusive Arts Hub at the Catamount Arts Center on Eastern Avenue. Created in collaboration with North Country Pride, NEK Rainbow Coalition, Vermont Humanities, Vermont Arts Council, Vermont Department of Tourism and Marketing, and Discover St. Johnsbury, this vibrant space will celebrate and nurture the creativity and expression of LGBTQIA+ artists and community members.
Gear up for First Night North festivities by first, checking into the Comfort Inn & Suites near Burke Mountain! The Comfort Inn & Suites is offering those enjoying First Night North a discounted rate of $149. Your stay will include accommodations for up to five adults, deluxe continental breakfast, indoor pool, hot tub, sauna, & arcade. Return from the fun and warm up by our lobby fireplace and enjoy some hot cocoa! The Comfort Inn & Suites near Burke Mountain is a safe and supportive place for all! Call us direct at 802.748.1500 and ask for the First Night North Special!
Black Rabbit Tarot
Black Rabbit Tarot offers quick, illuminating readings from a diverse assortment of beautiful queer-centered decks, helping querents cultivate the latent wisdom embedded in their own experiences and perspectives.
Find them Online:
Craig Harrison Creative: “I Am____”: Portraits Illuminating Identity Exhibit
Behind the Camera
Craig Harrison Creative
The portraits in this exhibit are a small fraction of the photographs taken during Catamount Arts LGBTQIA+ centered events in 2023 and 2024. From the very beginning, it quickly became clear to me that those attending these events were yearning to be seen, to be appreciated, and to be celebrated. The stiffness of posed photographs in a normal setting was gone. In its place was the joy that comes from self expression without fear or pretense.
It makes the job of a photographer easy. Get the lighting right, keep things in focus, and don’t take your finger off the shutter. There was magic happening right in front of my lens. All I had to do was keep up.
The results are some of the most expressive, honest portraits I’ve ever taken.
During three events, I shot over 3000 frames and photographed literally hundreds of people from all walks of life. Every one of my models had a story about what brought them to a drag show in Vermont’s rural Northeast Kingdom. In this exhibit, we look at just a few.
Find Craig Online:
Ershaka Reiki
Ershaka Reiki, located at 374 Emerson Falls Road in St. Johnsbury, offers Reiki and AromaTouch Technique. They approach each session with compassion, respect, and an understanding of the mind-body-spirit connection.
For more information:
Josh Simonds

Join professional psychic medium Josh Simonds at First Night North in St. Johnsbury, Vermont, for an unforgettable evening of connection and insight. Experience ‘Spirits of the New Year,’ a special spirit gallery event where Josh will bridge the gap between this world and the next, sharing messages from loved ones, guiding spirits, and ancestors.
Koa Phoenix

Magdalene Moves presents Belly Dancing with Magdalene + Friends

Instagram: @magdalenemoves
Marie Hamilton
Marie Hamilton, a harpist and vocalist of profound emotional depth, mesmerizes with every performance. Her unique blend of velvety vocals and intricate fingerwork weaves together sound, color, and emotion, drawing listeners into a dreamlike world of exploration, intimacy, and connection. Marie’s performances, rich in narratives of love, life, and loss, consistently leave a lasting imprint on the hearts of those who witness her art..
Find them Online:
Meg Reinhold: Littleton Public Mural Exhibit
“We Are Joy” – The rainbow is the symbol most commonly associated with Pride, and since starting this project I have learned that every color has a meaning. I wanted to represent the rainbow as a colorful aura, radiating joy and exuberant energy. In the center is a white bearded iris, an inspiration that came from Iris, the Greek goddess of rainbows. I enjoy the wordplay of “bearded iris” as encompassing both masculine and feminine, just as white encompasses all colors. The style of this composition is a nod to the paintings of Hilma af Klint, a visionary painter.”
“We Belong” – “The landscape is grounded in the scenery of NH, with white birch being the state tree. birches shed their bark as they grow and expand, so I think of them as a tree that is in a constant state of renewal and transition. They are also monoecious, bearing flowers of both sexes, and are usually found growing in community with other birches.”
“We Will Not Be Banned” – “We are living through a time when the banning of books and increasingly restricted access to gender and life-affirming health care are intended to silence LGBTQ+ voices. Words and ideas have power, they nourish the roots of revolutionary action. This painting speaks to the fierce resilience and the unstoppable dissemination of ideas and seeds of change. The world needs a diversity of voices and perspectives, and this mural celebrates the brave and tenacious folks who are showing up and speaking out in ways large and small, despite the adversity they face.”
Toussaint St. Negritude

WABAAM! A Contemporary Circus Cabaret.

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