Thank you for supporting world-class arts in the Northeast Kingdom!
Please click above to make your tax-deductible donation online – or send a check to:
KCP Presents
PO Box 632
St. Johnsbury, VT 05819-0632
Please note: The Series relies on donations made directly to “KCP Presents Performing Arts”. Donations made to Catamount Arts or Kingdom County Productions do not support The Series! See our History for more information.
Many employers will match charitable contributions to 501c3 organizations made by their employees and retirees. Ask your employer if they have a matching program – and increase your impact today!
Why support KCP Presents?
We believe that exposure to cultural events results in more creative brains, broadened horizons, and increased positive connection to one’s community. We also believe that everyone should have access to such events, and that neighbors getting out to enjoy a show together is good for the community as a whole. Nowhere is that access more important than in a rural area such as the Northeast Kingdom – and at no time has it been more pressing, with more and more of our communication and entertainment occurring via devices rather than face-to-face. What keeps us working hard to sustain the performance series? The dream of ever-more vibrant downtown areas, the desire to create moments of shared community, and the goal of exposing individuals – who might not otherwise have the chance – to world-class cultural events more commonly booked in large cities.
To that end, we keep our ticket prices exceptionally low – often less than half of what you would pay for the same performances elsewhere. In fact, ticket sales bring in only half of our total costs. We strive always to make up the difference by cultivating individual donors and business sponsors. It is these generous people who, in concert with grants, allow for our low prices and enable us to run Access Arts – a program whereby we offer free tickets to youth and discounted tickets to other interested groups and individuals as often as possible.
Here are some ways you can help us sustain the series here in the Northeast Kingdom:
- Attend shows. Simply going to the shows – regardless of what you pay – helps support our series. Everyone loves a full house! Further, buying tickets in advance helps us operationally – so take advantage of our Early Bird discounts: 20% off all tickets purchased 30 days or more in advance!
- Purchase season passes. You get premium seats to every show, all season long. Purchasing a pass simplifies your life, demonstrates your commitment to the series and your faith in the quality of what we do, broadens your cultural horizon, and helps us cover upfront production costs.
- Donate tickets. You can donate tickets to people who otherwise couldn’t afford them. Just order the tickets through the box office at (888) 757-5559 and mention that you’d like to donate them. We’ll pay them forward to low-income individuals.
- Donate money. We know and love our donors and we pay back the love wherever we can. Special events, offers, and recognition are just some of the benefits of donating to KCP Presents. Donations to KCP Presents are tax-deductible! And, for every $500 you donate, you can name a business beneficiary. This entitles employees and volunteers of that business to receive $10 off every ticket, every show, all season – simply by entering a code during online check out.
- Sponsor a show. We offer the best advertising value around, with sponsorship levels starting at just $500 – and your business’ prominent placement in over $10,000 worth of radio and print advertising. And your employees and volunteers will enjoy $10 off every ticket they purchase, to every show, all season – just by entering a code during online checkout.
- Go logo: Become a Presenting Partner. Our Presenting Partners receive recognition in all our radio and print ads, posters, email advertisements, banners, season brochures, tabletop advertisements, show programs and night-of-show thanks from the stage – for every show, all season.
Contact us today about getting involved with bringing world-class performances to our region.
Email Molly Stone at mstone@kcppresents.org or call her at (802)748-2600 x106.
We also enjoy getting snail mail!
KCP Presents
PO Box 632
St. Johnsbury, VT 05819-0632.